Categories of personnel available in Nepal for foreign employment are classified into four groups:

A. Professional
B. Skilled technicians
C. Semi-skiled / Unskilled workers
D. Security Guards

A. Professional
1. Engineers: civil, electrical, mechanical, chemical
2. Architects/planners
3. Doctors: specialists, general physicians, dental surgeons
4. Professors/teacher in various fields
5. Bankers

B. Skilled Technicians
1. Junior engineer/ techicians
2. Male and female nurses
3. Pharmacists
4. Laboratory technicians
5. Medical asistants
6. Plant operators: electrical / mechanical / civil
7. Earth moving construction equipment operators
8. Foremen: electrical/ mechanical/ civil
9. Construction supervisor/ overseers/ estimators
10. Electrician
11. Welders: gas/electric
12. Carpenters/ cabinet makers
13. Steel fixers/ riggers
14. Masons/ tile fixers / plasterers
15. Plumbers / pipe fitters
16. Drivers: heavy / light
17. Hotel personnel / waiters / bakers
18. Textile / jute/ garment/ carpet weavers
19. Computer operators

C. Semi-skilled / Unskilled

1. Laborers
2. Cleaners
3. Sweepers
4. Watchmen/ guards
5. Agricultural labor/ farmers
6. Industrial labor
7. Peons / office boys
8. Loaders: airport/ train station

D. Security Guards
-ex british army
-ex indian army
-ex nepal army
-ex nepal police
-civil security guards